Πέμπτη 14 Ιουλίου 2016

Moon @45%

Location: Athens 11/7/2016 - Atlas 5 Observatory
Lens: Pentax SMC 200mm 6x7/ & 2x Pentax 6x7 Extender / 400mm @ F16
Camera: ATIK 314L+ Mono
Filter wheel: Starlight Express 7x1.25
Filters: Baader Luminance (80x0.001 sec), Total exposure less than one second.
Mount : EQ6 Pro
Guiding :
Calibration Frames:
Capture : Nebulosity
Processing :Registax6, Pixinsight.

A small test of the 2x Pentax extender.

Τετάρτη 13 Ιουλίου 2016

Pelican Nebula IC 5070

Location: Atlas 5 Observatory Athens Greece 4-8 July 2016
Lens: Pentax SMC 200mm 6x7/ F5.6
Camera: ATIK 314L+ Mono @ 0C
Filter Wheel: Starlight Express 7x1.25
Filters: Baader 7nm Ha (33x10min), Baader 8.5nm OIII (30x10min), Baader 8nm SII (31x10min)
Total Exposure 13 Hours
Mount : EQ6 Pro
Guiding : Finder 50mm with QHY5L-II colour
Calibration Frames:BIAS (30), DARK (24), FLATS (30)
Capture : Nebulosity, PHD Guiding

Processing :DSS, Pixinsight, Photoshop.

Very good result for the pelican nebula. Dedicated to the Atlas team. 

Tulip Nebula Sh2-101

Location: Atlas 5 Observatory Athens Greece 8-11 July 2016
Lens: Pentax SMC 200mm 6x7/ F5.6
Camera: ATIK 314L+ Mono @ 0C
Filter Wheel: Starlight Express 7x1.25
Filters: Baader 7nm Ha (26x10min), Baader 8.5nm OIII (27x10min), Baader 8nm SII (26x10min)
Total Exposure 13 Hours
Mount : EQ6 Pro
Guiding : Finder 50mm with QHY5L-II colour
Calibration Frames:BIAS (30), DARK (24), FLATS (30)
Capture : Nebulosity, PHD Guiding

Processing :DSS, Pixinsight, Photoshop.

Very nice target but very difficult to shoot through light polluted Athens. Although the result is very good.