Σάββατο 1 Ιουλίου 2017

M16 - The eagle nebula

Location : Athens June 19-24 2017 - Atlas 5 Observatory
Telescope: William Optics ED80-II Zenithstar/ F5.45 (WO 0.8x reducer/flattener)
CCD: SBIG STF8300 Mono @ -5C
Filter wheel: Starlight Express
Filters: Baader Ha (21x20min), Baader OIII (13x20min), Baader SII (6x20min),
Total exposure ~13,5 hours.
Mount : EQ6 Pro
Guiding : Finder 50mm with QHY5L-II colour
Calibration Frames:None
Processing :Pixinsight, Photoshop.