Τρίτη 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

M42 - Orion Nebula

Location Athens 30/11/2015
Lens: Jupiter 21M 200mm / F5.6
CCD: ATIK 314L+ Mono @ -5C
ATIK Manual Filter Wheel
Filters: Baader 7nm Ha, Baader 8.5nm OIII, Baader 8nm SII (Total exposure 54 minutes - 1x10min, 1x5min, 1x2min και 1x1 min for each filter)
Mount : EQ6 Pro
Guiding : Finder 50mm with QHY5L-II colour
Calibration Frames:BIAS (30)
Nebulosity - Photoshop.

Second Light for the Jupiter 200mm lens. Focusing was manual.

And another on the fly processing.

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